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Setup Locations and Business Hours

This guide will help you add your Med SPA’s location information (whether you have single or multiple locations) and business hours for each facility within the DigiMEDSPA EMR portal. Follow the steps below to add, edit, and manage your Med SPA’s locations and general business hours.

Understanding Terminologies


Locations refer to the physical addresses where your Med SPA operates. This includes all branches or facilities where services are offered. Adding accurate location information in the EMR portal allows patients to find and book appointments at the correct facility.

Business Hours

Business hours represent the general operating times of your Med SPA and define when your facility is open to the public. It is important to set these hours so that patients know when they can visit or book appointments. Note that each provider must also input their personal schedules for patient bookings within these business hours.

Add a Med SPA Location

  1. You can navigate “Locations App” from 3 entry points:
    1. From the Left Navigation, click on the “My Account” dropdown and select “My Locations”
    2. From the Left Navigation, click on the “My Account” dropdown and select “My Locations”
    3. From the Top Right Profile dropdown, select “My Locations”
  2. Click "New Location"
  3. Fill in your Med SPA's location information including Business Name, Address, City, State, Country, Business Phone, Time-zone, SMS Notification Phone, and Notification Email.
    Note: The phone number entered under "SMS Notification Phone" and the email address under "Notification Email" will receive alerts whenever a patient books, cancels, or reschedules an appointment. These notifications apply to all appointments.
  4. Add your business hours by selecting the day and adding the open and close hours.
    Note: These are general operating hours for your Med SPA. Providers are required to input their schedules in order to open appointment times for patients to book.
  5. If you would like to enable the option for your Med SPA to accept tips, select the checkbox labeled "Do you want your Med SPA to accept tips?"
  6. Click "Create Location" to save the information you have entered and set up your Med SPA(s).

Edit Med SPA Information

    1. From added locations, click on three dots under the action column and select "Edit" on the specific location.
    2. From here, edit the information you would like to change and click "Update Location" to save the new information.
    3. </ol class="nested-list">

Archive a Med SPA Location

Understanding Terminologies

Archived Locations

This guide will help you add your Med SPA’s location information (whether you have single or multiple locations) and business hours for each facility within the DigiMEDSPA EMR portal. Follow the steps below to add, edit, and manage your Med SPA’s locations and general business hours.

      1. Choose the specific Med SPA location you wish to archive in the list of added locations.
      2. Under the action column, click on the three dots next to the location you want to archive.
      3. From the dropdown menu, select the "Archive" option. This will remove and deactivate the Med SPA location from active listings.
      4. A confirmation prompt will appear. Click "Confirm" to complete the archiving process. The location will no longer be available for patient bookings but can be restored later if needed.

View Archived Locations

      1. Click the "Archived" tab under the "Locations" section to review archived locations.

Restore a Location

    1. Restore a previously archived location, go to the "Archived Locations" tab, find the location, and click on the three dots next to the location you want to restore.
    2. From the dropdown menu, select "Restore" to make the location active again.

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